A Partnership of UConn and Eversource

Eversource Energy Center


Morzilla, Anita

Morzillo_13_4146654610Assistant Professor, Department of Natural Resources and the Environment

  • What excites you most about your research?

The diversity of people and groups who are involved in the use and management of our natural resources, such as forest, water, and wildlife. Every person, group, and organization has a unique background and set of goals, interests, and experiences that shape perspectives about natural resources. I enjoy the challenge of understanding similarities and differences among those perspectives, and exploring practical ways to address natural resource issues while also meeting the needs of people.

  • What’s the most valuable aspect of your research for people and communities?

The ability to include people in collection of information. I work with many groups of people including residents, landowners, community and government leaders, natural resource and public lands managers, private companies and businesses, and non-profit organizations. This approach allows researchers to learn directly from people about their needs and what they care about and why. Such knowledge allows for better communication and information exchange between decision-makers, communities, and those who participate in activities related to natural resources.

Research focus: Human dimensions of natural resources; wildlife management; forest management; urban ecosystems; water resources; recreation; urban-rural relationships; hazard management; conflict resolution and information exchange among stakeholders.

Website: http://www.nrme.uconn.edu/Faculty_and_Staff/Morzillo.php; http://anitamorzillo.weebly.com/

Eversource Energy Center | Innovation Partnership Building: 159 Discovery Drive, Unit 5276, Storrs, CT 06269-5276 | E-Mail: eversourceenergycenter@uconn.edu