Title | Sponsor | Investigator(s) | Documentation |
The UConn OPM – Enhancing Prediction Accuracy & Supporting the Emergency Response Team with Real-Time Outage Forecasts | Eversource | Emmanouil Anagnostou (PI) Diego Cerrai |
Presentation |
A Pathway to Enhance Grid Resilience: Zero-Carbon Energy Communities with DER-based ELCC Quantification | Eversource | Zongjie Wang (PI) | Presentation |
Evaluating effects of climate change and management interventions on vegetation risk to energy grid reliability and resilience | Eversource | Robert Fahey (PI) Thomas Worthley | Presentation |
Assessing compound risk for existing electrical substations over the State of Connecticut |
Eversource | Stergios Emmanouil (PI) | Presentation |
Improving Extreme Weather Forecasting Capabilities in support of Power Outage Prediction Activities: Phase II – wind gust and winter weather |
Eversource | Marina Astitha (PI) | Presentation |
Beta-testing of the Agent-Based Model for Estimating Time to Restoration and Development of Resilience Metrics | Eversource | Diego Cerrai (PI) | Presentation |
Power system vulnerability assessment under a changing climate | Eversource | Xinxuan Zhang (PI) Guiling Wang Marina Astitha Stergios Emmanouil |
Presentation |
Resilience System Performance Modeling in a Changing Climate | Eversource | Amvrossios Bagtzoglou (PI) Wei Zhang Xinxuan Zhang |
Presentation |
Multi-source Remote Sensing Data for Modelling Tree Risk on Utility Infrastructure and Leveraging Climate Adapted Vegetation Management | Eversource | Chandi Witharana (PI) | Presentation |
Estimating Roadside Tree Risk To Grid Resilience and Reliability Using PlanetScope Time Series | Eversource | Zhe Zhu (PI) Shi Qiu |
Presentation |
Title | Sponsor | Investigator(s) | Documentation |
Next-level Grid Resilience by Utilizing Sensors in Distributed Power Converters | Eversource | Ali Bazzi (PI) | Presentation |
CLIMB: Connecticut’s Low-carbon, Innovative, and Modernized electric grid for Better resilience | Eversource | Caiwen Ding (PI) | Presentation |
High-Impact weather and power system simulator for renewable energy integration and resilience analysis | Eversource | Malaquias Peña (PI) | Presentation |
Title | Sponsor | Investigator(s) | Documentation |
Development of Cyber-Attack Detection Algorithms using the Smart Inverter and Machine Learning- | Eversource | Sung Yeul Park (PI) | Presentation |
Distribution System Cyber-Physical Security RTDS Testbed with High Penetration of DERs | Eversource | Junbo Zhao (PI) Ankur Srivastava |
Presentation |
Title | Sponsor | Investigator(s) | Documentation |
Assess strategies that integrate innovation for grid resilience among carbon and climate resiliency goals and public communication | Eversource | Anita Morzillo (PI) Cynnamon Dobbs Chandi Witharana |
Presentation |
Assess the progress in uptake of decarbonization technologies and what factors affect consumer decisions about energy consumption behavior | Eversource | Lyle Scruggs (PI) Eleanor Ouimet |
Presentation |
Evaluate the effect of electric vehicle charging stations and residential solar of real estate values and equity in benefits | Eversource | Jeffrey Cohen (PI) | Presentation |
Link the needs of the energy business community to the training and education institutions across the state through an informed, data-driven process | Eversource | Kathryn Parr (PI) Marcello Graziano |
Presentation |
Quantify benefits to customers from resiliency investment costs, as required for a full evaluation of the societal rate of return, net societal benefits of resiliency improvements, and their distribution | Eversource | Kimberly Rollins (PI) Fred Carstensen Charles Towe Alyssa McDonnell |
Presentation |