A Partnership of UConn and Eversource

Eversource Energy Center


2021 Annual Meeting

We cordially invite you to attend the Eversource Energy Center Annual Workshop taking place on November 19th from 11:00 AM – 3:30 PM . In-person and remote access will be available. You can view the workshop agenda by clicking the date.

We will begin with welcome remarks from UConn and Eversource leadership, Center updates, and presentations by UConn faculty of the new projects initiated this year. The first part of the Workshop will include a keynote presentation by Ali Ghassemian, a program manager for the Division of Advanced Grid Research & Development, Office of Electricity (DOE). This will then be followed by two breakout sessions: Resilience and Reliability, which will be coordinated by Diego Cerrai and Robert Fahey, as well as Renewables Integration and Cyber/Physical Security, coordinated by Junbo Zhao and Mal Pena.

Meeting Link: http://s.uconn.edu/ipb317webex 

Published: November 1, 2021

Categories: Recent News

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Eversource Energy Center | Innovation Partnership Building: 159 Discovery Drive, Unit 5276, Storrs, CT 06269-5276 | E-Mail: eversourceenergycenter@uconn.edu