Additional information for The Power Lab can be found on their website:
“Underwater Wireless Power Transfer: Smart Ocean Energy Converters,” authored by Taofeek Orekan and Peng Zhang. Copyright 2019, Springer International Publishing. ISBN: 978-3-030-02561-8. Link
Y. Li, Y. Qin, P. Zhang, and A. Herzberg, “SDN-enabled cyber-physical security in networked microgrids,” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, accepted, 2018. Link.
Y. Li, P. Zhang, and C. Kang, “Compositional power flow for networked microgrids,” IEEE Power and Energy Technology Systems Journal, accepted, 2018. Link.
Y. Li, P. Zhang, M. Althoff, and M. Yue, “Distributed formal analysis for power networks with deep integration of distributed energy resources,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Date of Publication: 10 October 2018. Link.
Y. Li, P. Zhang, and M. Yue, “Networked microgrid stability through distributed formal analysis,” Applied Energy, vol. 228, pp. 279-288, Oct. 2018. Link.
Y. Li, P. Zhang, and P. B. Luh, “Formal analysis of networked microgrids dynamics,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 3418-3427, May 2018. Link.
Y. Li, P. Zhang, W. Li, J. N. Debs, D. A. Ferrante, D. J. Kane, S. N. Woolard, R. Kalbfleisch, K. B. Bowes, and A. Kasznay, “Non-detection zone analytics for unintentional islanding in distribution grid integrated with distributed energy resources,” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 214-225, Jan. 2019. Link.
Y. Li, P. Zhang, L. Zhang, and B. Wang, “Active synchronous detection of deception attacks in microgrid control systems,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 373-375, Oct. 2016. Link.
Y. Li and P. Zhang, “Reachable set calculation and analysis of microgrids with power-electronic-interfaced renewables and loads,” IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), Portland, OR, Aug. 5-9, 2018, pp. 1-5. Link.
Y. Li, P. Zhang, J. N. Debs, D. A. Ferrante, D. J. Kane, S. N. Woolard, R. Kalbfleisch, and K. B. Bowes, “A generic method for the determination of non-detection zones in DER-dominated distribution grids,” IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), Portland, OR, Aug. 5-9, 2018, pp. 1-5. Link.
Y. Li, P. Zhang, L. Ren, and T. Orekan, “A Gersgorin theory for robust microgrid stability analysis,” IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), Boston, MA, Jul. 17-21, 2016, pp. 1-5. Link.