The EEC recently hosted a workshop where principal investigators had the opportunity to present new research projects kicked off in the areas of (i) Preparedness and emergency response, (ii) Vegetation management & risk analysis, (iii) Cyber and physical security and (iv) Renewable energy. These projects will run through Spring 2023 and project milestones and deliverables will be visible through the Center website.
Below are links to each project presentation grouped by thematic area.
Preparedness and Emergency Response
PI Anagnostou, Co-I Cerrai |
Improving Extreme Weather Forecasting Capabilities in Support of Power Outage Prediction Activities PI Astitha |
Resilience System Modeling and Dynamic Economic Impacts PI Bagtzoglou, Co-I Zhang
Projecting Dynamic Economic Impacts of System Resilience PI Carstensen, Co-I Graziano, Gunther
Vegetation Management and Risk Analysis
Vegetation Management and Modeling to Promote Resilient Trees, Power, and Communities PI Fahey, Co-I Worthley |
Landowner Planning for Roadside Forest Management Given Multiple Stressors PI Morzillo |
Assessing Forest Risk to Infrastructure Using Remotely Sensed Imagery PI Zhu |
PI Witharana |
Cyber and Physical Security
PI Witharana |
Evaluation of Eversource-CT Substations Vulnerability of Flooding in Current and Climate Change PI Shen, Co-I Sofia and Anagnostou |
Securing Power Distribution Grid Against Power Botnet Attacks PI Fei Miao |
Renewable Energy
Fine Resolution Nowcasting of PV and Loads in Key Sections of the Eversource Energy Grid PI Pena, co-I David Wanik |
High-Resolution Mapping of Renewable Energy Sources PI Anagnostou, Co-I Nikolopoulos and Francois |
Monitoring, Analysis and Prediction of Offshore Wind PI Pena |
High-resolution Wind Prediction Capabilities PI Astitha |
Marine Boundary Layer Modeling PI Matheou |
Published: March 22, 2021
Categories: Recent News
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